Photo of Lara Miller

Lara Miller

Lara Miller is a Michigan-based playwright, screenwriter, and science communicator. Her work has been produced at Bricolage Production Company in Pittsburgh, the Bartell Theatre in Madison, the Custom Made Theatre Company in San Francisco, and at academic conferences in Kigali, Nairobi, and Vancouver. Her play Catch was a 2023 finalist with the Playwright’s Center Core Apprentice Program, a 2020 O’Neill semi-finalist, and the 2020 honorable mention of the Jane Chambers Award for Feminist Playwriting. Her short plays were a 2023 finalist with TakeTen and won with 2019 Bartell Theatre Award awards for Best Script and Best Short. She is the founder of Fieldwork Creations, a science storytelling global consulting company, is married to a pharmaceutical chemist, and is the mom of a drama-loving two year old.