James Sandlin Ashby
James Sandlin Ashby's play, Gross Generalizations, was produced in the summer of 2004 by Toad City Productions. He immediately moved to Los Angeles, where he worked as an assistant editor and editor as a freelancer and for The Asylum Studios. In 2006, James's screenplay Fuel received a reading at Carnegie Mellon University, where he twice received the Schuberg Grant. His thesis screenplay Henry,  received two readings at Carnegie Mellon University, and his next screenplay Boltzmann's Demon has been selected as a winner of the Sloan Screenplay Competition. Two teleplays, "Just For You" and "So You've Killed Yourself" have aired on WQED, Pittsburgh's PBS affiliate. James received his B.A. in Theatre/Literature from Reed College in 2004 and his MFA in screenwriting from the Carnegie Mellon School of Drama  in 2008. James Sandlin Ashby was awarded a Screenwriting grant at Carnegie Mellon in 2008 for Boltzmann's Demon